Piraty Ola WayOla and Lillian(8 🏴‍☠️👸)Log InGet started

The Dev-life Pirates Podcast

the cut: - Think about a Tall Tale, a way to get to know your piraty side. ARR! 💀

The Dev-life Pirates Podcast

What: A podcast about dev-life at it's best, a PIRATY dev-life! 🥳🏴‍☠️

What is it for: inspiration to live life more your way (= more piraty)

Who is it for: a dev who wants to make the most of her/his dev-life


The 3 Areas of Dev-Life

I'd like you to choose what area of Dev-Life we'll focus on in our conversation. Focus will help us dive deeper down with our conversation. I am one of those devs who believe deeper is better. So what area of Dev-Life would you like to focus on:

  1. dev-life at work
  2. dev-life at home
  3. dev-life at play
  4. Another dev-life area of your choosing (a bonus 🥳)

Questions about dev-life at work

Questions about dev-life at home

Three things to think about

  • What's one attitude you have changed that has made your life more meaningful?
  • how do you go about working on your attitude?


  • What's one skill you have built that has made your life more meaningful?
  • how do you go about building your skill?
  • What is your number one barrier to building your skill?

Questions about dev-life at play

how do you go about building your skill how do you go about

Questions about a dev-life area of your choosing

Yeah the questions are kinda similar, because .... skill-building

© Lillian (7 🏴‍☠️👸) and Cap'n Ola Vea (43 🏴‍☠️⛵) and their cheerful crew of skill-builder pirates 1554 - 2024